Home GPMAW 9.20

Pre 8.0 downloads

Versions older than 8.00 can be downloaded through the following links.

Version 7.10 (~7 MB)
Released on January 26, 2007.
July 5: Service release 2. Entrez retrieval fixed. In addition you can get a charge table in the pH/charge graph.
Updated gpmaw3.exe.

Version 7.02 (~7 MB)
Released on September 22, 2006. Changes can be found here. No Newsletter is available this time..

Version 7.01 (~6.9 MB)
Released on February, 2006. Changes can be found here. As this is a minor upgrade there is no Newsletter. August 2006: The version has been modified as context-sensitive help was disabled.
In addition mass input for searching has been expanded to 4 decimals.

Version 7.00 (~6.9 MB).
Released on December 13, 2005. You will need a previous installation and a license more recent than July 2004 in order to make the program fully functional. The Newsletter probably gives you more information than you want to know about the new version.

Version 6.21 (~4.85 MB)
Released on March 9, 2005. Changes can be found here, but more details are in the on-line help. As this is a minor upgrade there is no Newsletter.

Version 6.20 (~4.85 MB)
Released on December 17, 2004. Information on changs can be found in the on-line help, in the Newsletter.
Note: Several users have experienced problems with mass search including modifications - this has been corrected in the present download. The timestamp is similar to the original file, so all users of v. 6.20 should be able to use the corrected version.

 Version 6.10/6.11 (~4.8 MB)
Released on April 2, 2004. Information on changs can be found in the on-line help, the Newsletter and the version changes
Note: This link now downloads version 6.11 which fixes two problems: selection of sequences for dot-plot and retrieval of proteins from a list of accession numbers (May 2004).

Version 6.01 (~4.6 MB)
Released on October, 2003. Information on changes can be found in the on-line help, the newsletter and the detailed version changes.

Version 6.00 (~4.4 MB)
Released on May 28, 2003. Information on changes can be found in the on-line help, the newsletter and the detailed version changes.

Version 5.11 (~4.3 MB)
Released on December 11, 2002. As it is mainly error corrections, it has been “backdated” to September. As such all licenses after Aprill 2001 should be upgradeable. NOTE: due to a change in compiler, a number of errors have surfaced, which has resulted in a new version of 5.11 was posted on December 17th.

Version 5.10 (~4.3 MB).
Released on September 26, 2002. You will need a previous installation and a license more recent than April 2001 in order to make the program fully functional.

Version 5.02 (~4.7 MB).
Released on March 25, 2002. You will need a previous installation and a licence  later than September 2000 in order to make the program function.

Version 5.01 (~4.7 MB).
 (needs a previous installation and a license later than May 2000 in order to function).

Version 4.23 (~3.9 MB).
If your license is not valid for version 5.01, you may try this one.

Site last updated: February 14, 2025