
Import ASCII manually

In the case where GPMAW does not recognize the sequence record send from the server, the ‘Import ASCII file’ dialog will show all the retrieved information, and you will have to extract the information manually.

Fortunately this is quite simple and straightforward.

In this case the sequence is recieved in a web form not recognized by GPMAW and it starts out with a number of html codes.
Scroll down on the left hand side until you come to the sequence record.

In the case of Entrez records, it starts with the word ‘LOCUS’. The next line contains the name (called Definition). Highlight this part as shown and press the Name button. This will transfer the name to the ‘Name line’.
Highlight the accession number in the line below and press the Access. no. button.
Scroll down to the end of the record where we find the sequence

In the sequence part of the record, there is a problem, as GPMAW only understands sequences written in 1-letter upper case code (which is the definition of the 1-letter code). However, it is quite easy to convert:
Highlight the relevant part, click on the aA Caps button (converts to upper case) and then press the Sequence button to read the sequence into the sequence line (GPMAW ignores all spaces, numbers etc.).

You can now review the sequence information at the bottom of the dialog before pressing the OK button to retrieve the sequence into a sequence window of GPMAW. The complete record will be saved in the annotation page. In this case where there is a lot of unnessary additional information, it can be a good idea to delete the extra information from the annotation before saving the sequence.

Site last updated: February 14, 2025